Michal Terranova

Full-Stack Developer and Animator

Who am I?

Always engaged in learning, it was only natural to turn this pursuit towards the realm of technology. Creativity and innovation are my life. I thrive in environments that require individuals to seek an increase of knowledge and compound on their abilities to learn. My previous fields in science and animation elborate my want to incorporate all corners of learning into a cohessive expression.

It wasn't until last year did I eventually become introduced to the field of engineering. I was encouraged to continue growing and understanding, which led to my attending Georgia Tech bootcamp for coding, where I can incorporate a mathematical, scientific, and artistic mind into one single field.

    Technology Background
  • HTML5
  • CSS including Bootstrap
  • NodeJS
  • mySQL and Sequelize
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • MongoDB and Mongoose
  • Express
  • Handlebars
  • ReactJS
  • Introduction to Docker
  • Introduction to Java
  • Introduction to Sass

Contact Info

Or you can email me directly at michalterranova@mail.com

Visit my GITHUB account here
or visit my linkedIn profile here

and download my resume here.

Interested in art?
My Animation Portfolio
My Traditional Art Portfolio.